Fraternal Order of Firefighters Toy Drive

For the last several years, LMS students have traveled to the “North Pole” one afternoon in December. They don’t get to unwrap anything, and they don’t bring a gift home, but what they experience, hopefully, reaches beyond the joy of receiving whatever the coolest thing on store shelves is this holiday season.

The Fraternal Order of Firefighters hosts several programs throughout the year, but their toy drive is by far the largest. Last year’s drive served more than 2,220 Fayette County children. Donations from individuals, churches, community and civic groups, and local businesses are brought to the “North Pole” over the course of a few weeks, but getting these items organized requires lots of elf assistants. That’s where our kids come in. Earlier this month LMS students, under the guidance of LFD volunteers, helped sort these donations, categorizing toys by type and recipient’s age.

Every holiday season provides plenty of opportunities for our children to practice generosity and demonstrate a giving spirit. What LMS hopes to convey with this outreach event, in one small way, is that we can aid our struggling neighbors through service, a donation of our time. Each toy donation will certainly put a smile on a child's face, encourage their imagination, and help them hope beyond their current circumstances. Our hope is that LMS students will leave this outreach opportunity not only appreciating what they have, but knowing that they can make a difference in their community through a donation of time and service.

This year’s toy distribution took place on December 7th. If you would like to find out more about the Lexington Fraternal Order of Firefighters, or volunteer at “North Pole” next year, visit